Software & IT Solutions

Software technology is changing the businesses and future of our society, and it is a crucial aspect of any project. Our vision is to help our customers at both high level and low level software development.
At low level software application our end-customers will need advanced software engineering skills as well as in depth knowledge of micro-chip architecture and processor structure. Either you need a custom embedded software development for your projects or high level dynamic IT solutions, our engineering professionals will help you.
We are Expert in PostgreSQL – Migration from Oracle database to PostgreSQL – Rewrite SQL queries and stored procedures PL / SQL to PL / pgSQL (PStgreSQL) – Optimize, tune PostgreSQL instances according to your needs.
technology, artificial intelligence, brain
smart home, computer, internet
Our Innovations

Industry Focused Products!

Embedded Software

Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

Website Design

Migration from Oracle database to PostgreSQL

Machine learning (AI) & Internet of things (IoT)

Need Help With Easier Industrial Solutions? We Are Experts!